Monday, August 19, 2013

Praying For My Husband

My hubby totally deserves to be the subject of my prayers! He is truly an amazing man and I am madly in love with him! This man worked 14 hours, slept for 3, played in a softball tournament all day (which included him hurting his knee in a fall and getting a huge welt and bruise from being hit in the leg), played Yahtzee with his kids that night, slept 4 hours, went to work for 5 OT hours, stayed awake in church, pitched in his fall softball league that night, got up early to take a friend to a doctor appointment, had a short nap, then headed off for another 16 hour shift.

No lie, my husband works that hard on that little of sleep and still manages to be there for his wife and kids - and wash the dishes!  But even if he wasn't a great guy, I would still be praying for him. That's an essential part of a Biblical marriage!

Lord, keep my husband safe while he is at work tonight and protect him from harm.  Keep his body strong and his back free from pain.  Give him energy to stay awake and do his job well. Keep him healthy and heal his sore body and all his cuts and bruises. Protect his role in his company that he is always able to provide for our financial needs.  

Give him wisdom as the head of our household and help him to set an example for our children.  Give him guidance in parenting and discipline.  Let his sons see in him all that they should become - Godly, hard working, and loving. Give him patience despite being sleep deprived.  Give him rest. Help him to be the spiritual leader of our home.  Reveal to him Your plans for him and help him carry them out courageously. 

Cultivate in him a deep love for both You and me. Instill in him a desire to know You and draw near to You.  Make him a bold and effective witness for you everywhere he goes.  Give him a thirst for your word and reveal to him his spiritual gifts that he may serve you.  Make his prayer life vibrant and expand his time so he is able to have a daily quiet time even on the days he works double shifts. 

Give him the desire to love me even when I don't deserve it! :) Protect him from temptation and guard his heart. Help him to stand strong against all attacks against our marriage and all temptations that arise. Give me the wisdom and grace to be the wife he deserves and I am called to be.  

Surround him with good friends.  Give him many Godly men in which to seek counsel and encourage him.  Uplift him and encourage him in his role that he sees the fruits of his labor in his household and children.  Help me, Lord, to be an encouraging wife and lift him up, letting him know how much he means to us. Guard my tongue from any nagging or discouraging words. 

I'm sure my husband will never read this (he'd rather be sleeping!) but I do want him to know I pray for him. Specifically, daily, and with deep affection and love.  Will you today pray for your spouse? If you are single, you can be praying for your future spouse - trust me, God knows who those prayers are meant for! 

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