I have 4 children - 3 with special needs plus an infant. I work part time. We homeschool and have many doctor and therapy appointments. We have a dog (a big, hairy, shedding one), 4 cats, and 2 turtles that I care for and clean up after. We are blessed to own a house but it is falling apart and we lack the funds to fix it - so it is my job to patch and mend and keep it clean and our household functioning. I have chronic pain that forces me to take a day off here and there. I'm a BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) leader and a board member (Treasurer/VP) for Parent Advisory Council for Early Childhood. I'm on the prayer chain at church and the women's ministry team, coordinating and working events like funerals and baby showers.
Although I did cut out some activities and commitments new ones always seem to pop up (like how I thought we had graduated from speech and occupational therapy and found I was wrong). I'm organized so, no, we don't miss appointments or show up late to events and yes, there is a system in place ensuring we always have clean clothes (folded and put away, not so much). Honestly, I'm not super mom, as I've admitted before, but I take on commitments as if I am.
So I prayed: Lord, expand my time. Help me to honor my commitments, always giving my full efforts and being a light for You in all that I do. Give me wisdom to know the good, better, and best - and the strength and self control to get rid of the good to make room for the best. I hate to say no, I want to please everyone, I need Your wisdom and strength to say no to the things that are not best for me, You, and my family.
Help me to eliminate the time wasters in my life. Give me the self-control to turn off the computer during the school day give complete focus to my children. I love them so much that I want what is very best for them. I know, Lord, that training them up, educating them, teaching them character and a love for You is my most important task. This is the Best (of all the ways I can spend my time).
So be with me as I plan our school year. Be with me each and every day as I parent and educate them. God, would you give me energy and focus. Help me know how to handle each child's needs and differences, to know and speak their love language. Life comes with distractions and challenges. Please give me patience.
Lord, let me be a light for you. Allow the way I choose to spend my time be things that glorify you and honor my role as a wife and mother. Expand my time so that I am an effective and godly BSF leader - that I honor all my commitments with grace.
Keep me from feeling overwhelmed and shutting down and giving up. Somedays I have too much on the calendar. Lord, help me not to let anyone down, that I honor my word and let my yes be yes. Show me where I have taken on too much at the expense of my children and need to say no in the future. I know that things like doctor appointments and therapies are good for my kids so give us the time and energy to complete our chores and schoolwork on these busy days.
Reveal to me what needs to go, what is not the "best" in our lives and give me the wisdom to know what are the best ways to spend my time. Help me overcome the temptation to sleep, play on the internet, go to the store or out with friends when something more important is needing to be done. Help me let go of the perfectionism that has me doing housework when school or sleep is more important.
Since I know my health and self esteem are both important factors in being the best mother and volunteer I can be, I am also asking for motivation and time to exercise and eat well. And time for me to be a friend (a good listener, a girl's night out) and a wife (date nights would be great).
I am open to new ways of running our household and school days that might be more efficient and effective; always seeking improvement. Although I had been praying specifically the whole time I was planning our school year, routines, and our daily schedule so I am confident God is with us in these things. I pray as I decide what roles to take on and feel this year I've chosen the best things, but I still need His guidance and power to get through each day.
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