Monday, July 8, 2013

So Grown Up

This is my Julia, she turns 12 today.  TWELVE! I have been a mommy for 12 years! (Well, plus the pregnancy!) The photo shows the last remnants of the dog bite (her nose, lips, and by her left eye) but you can get the idea that she is beautiful!

This is a photo she made for a BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Leader (not even her leader).  We studied Genesis this past year and it is a photo collage of all the main stories! So many things make this so sweet (like her love for the Lord) but what stands out to me is that she has dysgraphia.  With this disability drawing and writing are extremely difficult for her.  Yet it is how she shows her love.  It perfectly encompasses who she is.

Julia is NOT defined by her disabilities. She knows she is a child of God, fully loved, totally special just how she is.  She has so much love to give and is so nurturing.  And she has plenty of struggles.  It breaks my heart how few friends she has, or how kids are "bothered/annoyed" by her, but she is oblivious to all of it.

She was unique from the start.  Julia was born just a month after her dad and I married, just 6 weeks after I turned 17, in the summer after my Junior year of high school.  She made a very early appearance.  My water broke almost 7 weeks early and she was born 3 days later (yes, 62 hours of labor, most of it painful).  She was born dead, not breathing, fluid in her lungs.  Obviously, she's fine now.  Actually, at 5#7 she was a large preemie and only spent 10 days in the NICU, proving she's a fighter up for any challenge!

Happy birthday to my big girl, who will always be my baby girl!

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